Palm Sunday : die Zeichnung besteht aus 3 Bildern von denen 2 beschrieben werden. Inschrift der Zeichnung: Palm Sunday. Praise God from whom all blesssings flow. Blessed are the peace makers. 1) Der Einzug Christi in Jerusalem. Text: The Savior's entry in Jerusalem. We hold out the olive branch to our erring and and misguided brethren of the Southern States, and pledge to all of them who are loyal a hearty welcome to all the benefits of our free Republic. 2) Die Kapitulation von Robert Lee vor Ulysses Grant in Appomat tox. Text: The surrender of Gen. Lee and his army to Lieut. Gen. Grant. Honor to the illustrious dead, and heartly sympathize with the sufferings of our gallant heroes and their families / Th. Nast